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Tag Example Displays
<abbr> <abbr title="I am a hidden message"> ''hover over me!'' </abbr> hover over me!
<b> <b> bold </b> bold
<big> <big> BIG </big> BIG
<blockquote> <blockquote> blockquote </blockquote>


<br> to text break, use <br> to the next line to text break, use
to the next line
<center> <center> centred </center>
<cite> <cite> cite </cite> cite
<code> <code> code </code> code
<div> <div style="padding-left:10px"> padded 10px from left </div>
padded 10px from left
<em> <em> emphasized </em> emphasized
<font> <font color=blue> blue </font> blue
<h1> <h1> Header 1 </h1>

Header 1

<h2> <h2> Header 2 </h2>

Header 2

<h3> <h3> Header 3 </h3>

Header 3

<h4> <h4> Header 4 </h4>

Header 4

<h5> <h5> Header 5 </h5>
Header 5
<h6> <h6> Header 6 </h6>
Header 6
<hr> <hr>
<i> <i> italic </i> italic
<li> <ul> <li> bullet list </li> </ul>
  • bullet list
<p> to text break, use <p> to the next line to text break, use

to the next line

<pre> <pre> example </pre>
<q> <q> quote </q> quote
<s> <s> strike </s> strike
<small> <small> small </small> small
<span> <span style="padding-left:10px"> padded 10px from left </span> padded 10px from left
<strike> <strike> strike </strike> strike
<strong> <strong> strong </strong> strong
<sub> this is <sub> sub </sub> this is sub
<sup> this is <sup> sup </sup> this is sup
<tt> this is <tt> teletype </tt> text this is teletype text
<u> <u> underlined </u> underlined